Thursday, 14 June 2012

The Srory of Sugar and Salt

I was in a middle of training yesterday when suddenly the conversation I had with the participants reminded me of a story told by my father. All these years, that story still continues to have an impression on me although I doubt it was written anywhere. I guess it was just a story that my father conjured up in his mind. He is good at those...inventing stories. I thought it is nice to finally share the story. According to my father, ‘Long ago there was a girl that lives in a village. One day, her father gave her two similar bowls with two equal amounts of coins for a simple task to buy sugar and salt. While making her way to the shop, she suddenly realized that she was not sure of which coin was meant to buy the sugar, and which coin was for the salt. She then ran home and asked her father about it. Her father said 'You can use either one my child. They are the same.' Satisfied, she started to walk back to the shop. Along the way, she again became confused on which bowl she would need to put the sugar and which bowl was for the salt. Again, she went home and asked her father. And again her father said,’ You can use either one my child. They are the same.' Feeling comforted by the father's assurance, she made her way back to the shop. On her way, another thought suddenly dawned on her. She did not know which hand should she used to hold the bowl of sugar, and which hand should she used to hold the bowl of salt. For the third time she ran back to the house. Her father told her once again, 'You can use either one my child. They are the same.' Only after that she managed to finally arrive at the shop and made her purchases. What is the morale of this story? Well, for me it is about being confident and independent in making decisions. But of course you might think differently. All I can say is that the story has been with me for a long time. Although it is not famous, it still has a very deep meaning to me. Thank you abah…for sharing with me the story.