Friday, 4 September 2015

CEO Faculty Programme with Prof Richard J. Parker, Director of Research and Technology of Rolls Royce Group

Another chapter of the CEO Faculty Programme was completed by Prof Richard J. Parker, Director of Research and Technology of the Rolls Royce Group on 3 September 2015. The new CEO Faculty Programme would consist of guest lecturers, panel discussions and co-teaching by renowned figures of various industries. It is always amazing to listen to a Professor who is also a part of an outstanding organization such as Rolls Royce. Thumbs up!

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Case Teaching and Learning Workshop for CEDAR, SME Bank

The Centre for Entrepreneur Development and Research (CEDAR) is a specialized SMEs and Development Financial Institution (DFIs) training, consultancy and research center of the SME Bank Malaysia. CEDAR had embarked on a very interesting project that focused in developing a few case studies of selected SMEs in 2013. The compilation of those case studies were then published as a book in 2014. In order to enhance the effectiveness of using case studies in their training, CEDAR had arranged for a sharing session on case teaching and learning with their trainers yesterday. It is always fun and refreshing when meeting new people with new ideas.