Thursday, 28 February 2013

Seminar Pembangunan Kepimpinan Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Pengajian Tinggi

MOHE had conducted a seminar on the leadership development in learning and teaching in higher institutions at AKEPT last week. The areas discussed were quite interesting. Among the presentations include Understanding Learning, Learner Diversity and Interactive Lecture. One remark that caught our attention was a study that highlighted the social sciences students to be deep learners as opposed to sciences students who were deemed to be more of surface learners. At night, discussions continued on the Student Centered Learning approaches including Problem-based Learning and Case Teaching. So far most studies only considered perspectives from the academics and students. In my opinion, the industry people should be engaged for feedbacks as well. Otherwise the danger is that we are going to create products that nobody will want to buy. Still.. this is a good start.