Friday 2 November 2012

Tuesdays with Morrie

Tuesdays with Morrie shares the final lesson between a college professor, Morrie, and one of his students and the author of the book, Mitch Albom. Having been busy with the demands in life, the author somehow lost contact with Morrie who used to be his most favorite professor during his college days. However, the relationship was reconnected when he accidently saw Morrie in an interview on the show "Nightline." Watching Morrie stricken with ALS disease, the author was suddenly reminded of his promise made sixteen years ago to keep in touch with his professor. That was the start of his last lessons of 14 consecutive Tuesdays with Morrie. Why Tuesday, you might wonder. It is because Morrie's classes were always on Tuesdays. As you read the book, you will become emotionally attached to Morrie and his determination to not surrender to his disease and die in vain. His expertise is on Human Relations and until the day he died, he continued to share his knowledge and aspirations with people around him. If you have the time, read the book. It will be worth your while.
“As you grow, you learn more. If you stayed as ignorant as you were at twenty-two, you'd always be twenty-two. Aging is not just decay, you know. It's growth. It's more than the negative that you're going to die, it's the positive that you understand you're going to die, and that you live a better life because of it. ” Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie

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