Monday, 20 February 2012

Welcome Students from MGM3113 and MGM3123, Semester II (2011/2012)

New usual the first day is full of gossips and catching up with friends. But I hope all of you will be ready for knowledge sharing starting next week. This semester I am trying something new. As often, class times are normally focused on covering the never ending course syllabus. In order to ensure that students are able to learn beyond the necessary curriculum, I have started this blog this semester. My intention is simple...this is about knowledge sharing between me and you. You are welcome to share your ideas or provide comments. Let's treat this like a professional platform for discussion. I hope you will find it useful. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make it better....

p/s: I would like to also extend my welcome to my MBA students Trimester II (2011/2012).


bob said...

thanks doc :)

Cakey san said...

Hi to everyone ! Nice to meet you all ^^ It is a very special and creative style in teaching at the same time sharing together ^^

Kay Q said...

This give me a chance to write blog. I don't have any blog account before, but I always think to create an account. When all my friends have own blog account except me still lazy in creating an account and even lazy writing something in blog. Now it's a time (chance) to work it up!!!

p/s: I might lazy to update my profile or my status. Sorry about that ya~